Claire Donnelly—Chair of Trustees
Hi, I’m Claire, married to Antony, with 3 beautiful boys. Alfie, our youngest was born in 2012 following IVF treatment. At four days old he became poorly and we were blue lighted to Birmingham Children’s Hospital, and so our CHD journey began. Alfie was born with a complex and unique heart condition. He has had three open heart surgeries so far, at one week old, 7 months old and 22 months old, he will need further surgery in the near future.
I first got involved with Young at Heart in 2014 and soon after became a Trustee. I have loved being a part of the charity and feel honoured to have now been elected as Chairperson. I am dedicated and passionate to make Young at Heart a huge success, and help it grow from strength to strength, so we can support more heart families.
Kim Bruton - Vice Chair
Hi, My name is Kim and I am married to Danny, we have three children our youngest son Oliver was born prematurely at 30 weeks with double outlet right ventricle, Melrose stenosis and pulmonary stenosis Oliver was given a very slim chance of a successful operation but he got through and it was a very difficult first year of his life.He has had three open heart surgeries and three catheter interventions.
Young at Heart is vital to all family members as are the siblings who are also part of the heart warriors journey.
Together as a charity we can support each through all up’s and down’s and make friends along the way
Emma Byrne—Treasurer
Hi my name is Emma and I am the new Treasurer for Young at Heart after being a Trustee for the charity for the last 3 years. Our daughter Niamh was diagnosed with Transposition of the Greater Arteries after birth. She had her first surgery at 1 day old and then had Arterial Switch operation at 4 days old. Niamh is our 4th child and our only child to have been born with a heart defect so this came as a great shock to us. Whilst at Birmingham Children’s Hospital we were passed on the details for Young at Heart and from that day they have been a great support to Niamh. I'm looking forward to working with the new team and continuing the amazing work of our predecessors
Claire Webster—Trustee
My name is Claire Webster, I am married to Mark and we have one child, Thomas. Thomas was born eight weeks premature in July 2008 and at just three days old, we were given the devastating news that he had been born with a heart condition, Coarctation of the Aorta. Thomas was then transferred to Birmingham Children's Hospital where he was operated on at just four days old. Over the course of the next nine months Thomas had three further operations, the last one being open heart surgery.
Toni Holmes – Trustee
Hi, I’m Toni and I live in West Bromwich with my husband Pete, little boy Che and our dog Jackson. In September 2019, our little one arrived into the world. It turned out, that he had been keeping a few secrets from us including, a complete AVSD. He had his repair surgery at 3 months old. He now still has a small hole and leaking valves which he takes medication for.
In my spare time, (although I don’t have much of that with a toddler) I enjoy spending time with my family. We enjoy long walks with the dog, days out at attractions and generally giving Che as many experiences as we can. We are country music fans so love attending country gigs when we can. We also take jive classes. We are board game geeks and have regular games nights with friends.
Supporting Che through his heart surgery was one of the hardest times of my life! We almost lost him. What got me through was the support of others who had travelled in my path and charities like Young at Heart. I hope that one day I can be that support for someone and give something back to those supporting us! I am honoured to be a friend of ‘Young at Heart’.
April Obinna - Trustee
I am April and I am a single mom to 3 girls. My middle daughter, Lily was born with CHD, but despite many symptoms wasn't diagnosed until she was nearly 2 and a half and already in heart failure. We found Young at Heart about a year after and I realised how much support we had missed out on. This made me realise how much I'd love to help Young at Heart to ensure that no family has to go through this experience alone like we did.
Paul Welch - Trustee
Hi, I’m Paul I live in Stoke – on – Trent with my wife Claire and 2 children Abbigail and Jack.
Abbigail was born in 2008 with Hypoplastic Left heart syndrome, she had her 1st open heart surgery at just 5 days old and more recently had her 4th open heart surgery an Aortic valve and route replacement at 13 years old. Treatment is ongoing and the future is unknown.
Me and Claire joined the charity as members in 2014 and have enjoyed attending the Christmas parties and events every year since.
We love being part of this amazing Charity who have helped us so much over the years both emotionally and physically by providing us with an INR machine as well as helping us to make essential memories with our extended heart family.
In 2022 we became Friends of young at heart and more recently I have been appointed Trustee, It makes me proud to be part of such an amazing charity and I’m looking forward to working with the team and supporting our growing membership in any way I can.
Kayleigh Roberts - Trustee
My name is Kayleigh I am a mom to 4 children Zoe, Jodie, Anthony, Lola-Rose, and the partner to Grant
My youngest Lola-Rose was born with a heart condition called TGA) is a serious, rare heart problem in which the two main arteries leaving the heart are reversed Lola has had 2 surgery's 1 being open heart surgery at Birmingham children's hospital. Lola-rose is waiting to have 1 more surgery at Birmingham children's hospital in 2 years.
I am delighted to be a part of amazing charity that has done so much for us as a family and everything that Young at Heart does for all its families.
It’s so important that our children get to mix with other heart families and helps our older children to understand a little more about other children with special hearts. We and they have made friends for life and we can’t wait to be able to help out in the future with new families and existing ones at all the amazing events and fundraising that Young at Heart does."
Stacey Bisson - Trustee
Hi, I'm Stacey, married to Danny and I have 6 wonderful children. Number 4, Honey was diagnosed with a heart defect when I was 30 weeks pregnant.
Honey had a hypoplastic aortic arch, Coarction of the aorta and issues with both her mitral and pulmonary valves. She had open heart surgery at 13 days old but went from strength to strength.
At 12 years old we got a new cardiologist and found there was an extra vein behind her pulmonary artery that was causing blood to pump the wrong way. She was booked straight in for a cardiac catheter and it was sat on ward 12 back in the same hospital we'd been in 12 years before that we said we wanted to find a way to help other heart parents so I reached out to Young at Heart who I had been following for many years. I hope I can give something back to my wider heart family.
Sasha Rooprai—Friend of Young at Heart
I am the proud heart mummy to our little one with heart condition called ‘Complete Heart Block stage 3’ who is full of daily hope and we seemed to have strength from being stronger together and as our heart child’s parents we endeavour to raise awareness and understanding of heart children. They teach us so, SO much about life. I am grateful and humbled to be given this opportunity from Young at Heart Charity, I am fluent English and Punjabi speaker to support families as and when needed
Jamie Lee Curtis—Friend of Young at Heart
My name is Jamie and I’m the mummy of Myla age 5 who has Double Inlet Left Ventricle, Transposition of the Great Arteries and severe Pulmonary and Sub Pulmonary Stenosis, this year Myla had a catheter and we thought it would be just routine before having the Fontan, but unfortunately Mylas lung pressures were to high, so Myla needed intervention and another catheter . This turned into a 3 week hospital stay with Endocarditis.
Claire Welch - Friends of Young at Heart
Hi, I’m Claire from Stoke – on – Trent, I joined the charity back in 2014 along with my husband. Since then, we have enjoyed so many amazing days out and opportunities with the charity plus had so much support from the trustees and the other families that are members.
Our daughter started the DofE awards last year with the charity, she has grown in confidence since and I am so grateful for her to have that opportunity, she has just started her silver award.
Abbigail was born with HLHS and has had 4 open heart surgeries as well as many other procedures since being born in 2008. Abbigail has a 12-year-old brother who has also benefited massively from being a part of the charity, people sometimes forget what a massive impact these conditions have on all of the family, but Young at Heart appreciate how tough it is and take all the family into account when planning events etc. Without this charity we would not have gotten through some really hard times, and I am honoured to be a friend of Young at Heart and help families like ours.
Cat Hughes - Friend Of Young At Heart
Hi I'm Cat, mummy to Violet and Rose, and wifey to Dan. Violet was born in 2015 with HRHS and PA. It was a shock and we didn't know until she was 12 hours old and being rushed to nicu before heading off to BCH! She has had all 3 stage surgeries.
We didn't know about or find our YAH family until 2021. We instantly felt like there was this whole other world where people just understood and got it. I'm hoping that I will be able to help and support young at heart with our ever growing heart family.
Sammi Riley - Friends of YaH
Hiya I'm Sammi I have 2 daughters Es'mai 5 and Freya 20 months old. Freya was full term and weighed at a healthy 8Ib 10. She was a planned C section. At 2 days old whilst still in hospital Freya went blue and was rushed to NICU where she was diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot. We were told she would require open heart surgery between 3 and 6 months which was terrifying. Unfortunately her weight gain was poor and she'd have to wait much longer for her open heart surgery. In February 2023 Freya had another blue spell this time much worse and she got rushed to BCH. At that time she wasn't strong enough to undergo the full repair as we found out she also had Covid. At that point she had keyhole to put a stent into her heart to help the pulmonary valve. This worked really well and kept Freya stable. She was then NG tube fed to try and assist her weight gain. In January of this year it was planned for Freya to have her full repair. Freya ended up needing 2 open heart surgeries within a week and has since been recovering well.
Throughout the time we have spent in and out of hospital we have received fantastic support from Young At Heart in the hospital and at the many events meeting other heart families throughout the year. We couldn't thank them enough and I would love to be able to give something back and support the charity and other families going forward.
Ebony Buchanan - Friend of YaH
My name is Ebony, and I’m a mum of two crazy girls and a set of very naughty twin boys.
My youngest Messiah suffers from a condition called Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome which is also known as HRHS.
Messiah's first surgery was on 24 January 2023 when he was only 21 days old.
On the 9th of February 2023, Messiah fell into Cardiac arrest whilst I was travelling home to see my other twin son. This was one of the hardest times of my life but I will forever be grateful for all the amazing nurses and doctors who nursed my baby back to health.
Young at Heart has given me the ability to meet so many people who can relate to the struggles and joys of having a child with a heart problem. Volunteering at Young at Heart will allow me to help other families with children suffering from heart conditions. This is also my opportunity to give back to the people who have supported me in my hardest times.
Geoff Brown - Friend of Young at Heart
Hi I’m Geoff, husband of Claire and father to 2 beautiful, amazing boys Alfie and Harry. Harry, our youngest was born in 2020. At the 12 week pregnancy scan we was told they had seen something concerning. 5 weeks later, after many scans and tests, it was confirmed Harry had congenital heart disease and was diagnosed with DORV, TGA, VSD.
He was born in April 2020 and at 10 days old he had open heart surgery and it was the longest day of my life. Surgery went well but the next day Harry suffered cardiac arrest, he was placed on ECMO (heart and lung bypass machine) and dialysis as his kidneys started failing. Harry made a good recovery and lives life to the fullest
Myself and Claire first discovered Young at Heart in 2021 and have arranged 2 sky dives for the Charity and in 2024 I was very proud to get Young at Heart as my companies official charity for the whole of 2024
Alfie Donnelly - Young Ambassador
Hi, my name is Alfie Donnelly, I'm 11 years old and I have two big brothers called Pierce and Ethan. I have had 4 open heart surgeries so far at Birmingham Children's Hospital and I need more when I get a bit bigger so I need to eat loads to get big and strong. I like to play on my PS5 and watch YouTube my favourite You Tuber is "villa on tour". I am also a big Aston Villa Fan my favourite match was when Villa beat Leicester in the semi finals, but my mommy wouldn't let me run on the pitch with the other fans. I like helping Young at Heart because it's a nice thing to do and I make other children with poorly hearts happy.
Young at Heart ,
Lonsdale House, Suit 305a, 52 Blucher Street, Birmingham, B1 1QU.
Registered charity no.: 512815
Information line: 07874 801 951